Swainby Sights & Places of Interest

Community Groups 

Organisation  Where / When
 Key: VH Village Hall
Blacksmiths Arms Cosy country pub with great food in Swainby 01642 700303
Bridge Club Church hall - Tuesday 1.30 -4.15pm

David Rossiter 07494-601608

Dancing VH - Thursday, 9.00-10.00am Jo Jacques
07770 484338
Family History Group VH - 10.00-12.00am every Thursday Carol Cook
01642 700569
Holy Cross Church
Local History Group VH - First Tuesday of the month, 7.30pm September – April Carol Cook
01642 700569
Parish Council Meetings VH - Meets third Wednesday each month (except August and December) at 7.30pm

Contact: Parish Clerk 

Pilates VH - Every Wednesday 11.00 – 12.00am Melanie
Pram Group VH - For those with young children, first Tuesday at 2.00pm June Place
01642 700018
Post Office VH - Monday 1.00 – 4.00pm and Wednesday 9.15 – 12.00am  
Swainby Church Hall

Swainby Playing Field Association

A formally constituted sub-committee of the Parish Council, manages development and maintenance of the playing field and various village activities that use the site including the annual sports day and garden party, Bonfire Night and the Whorlton Run Mick Hannon
01642 700838

Swainby and Potto WI

VH -Meets second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm

Sue Lawton
01642 700491

Swainby Oil Club

 Fuel co-op to order and buy oil in bulk, open to any residents. Oil deliveries are five to six times per year, minimum order per household is 500 litres Mike Foster,
01642 700119 or mikefoster51@gmail.com
Ukulele Group

VH - 6.30-8.30pm every Thursday

Jonathan Chetwood.
01642 700403
Upholstery -‘Knit and Natter’ VH- every Thursday, 18.30-20.30pm (September – April) Barbarah Pickering
01642 7010196
Village Hall
Yoga Class In the Church Hall, Tuesdays 10.30 – 12.00 Emma
07762 51906

Local Businesses

The Black Hose Logo

Retro Classic Car logo

Yorkshire Bike Hire